Lake Conditions:  Fair - 73° / Lake Temperature  58° - 355.45'

About Weakley's Guide Service

Brad is a lifelong fisherman with much of his life spent fishing Kentucky Lake. Brad has been a licensed fishing guide for 41 years as well as a successful tournament angler.

In 1986 and 1987 the State of Kentucky was represented by Brad at the "United States World Team Fish Off" where each state sent their top 10 fishermen. He's since retired from the pro-circuit and is devoted to the fulltime guiding on Kentucky Lake.

Brad has been guest host on several TV shows such as Kentucky Afield, Shad Wilson Outdoors, Tony Bean's Smallmouth USA, and Alabama Sportsman to name a few. Brad has also been featured several times in BassMaster, Field and Stream, Outdoor Life, In-Fisherman, and many, many others.

Brad is recognized as a "Fishing Expert" across the country, specializing in large and smallmouth bass, crappie, white bass (stripes), bluegill and rockfish. With over 200 days per year on the water, Brad and his friends know where to find the fish so don't waste your precious free time looking for fish in a 170,000 acre lake.

Let Brad share a lifetime of experience with you and make a memory that will last forever.

Weakley's Guide Service

Brad Weakley
Benton, KY 42025

Phone:  270-354-9974

  • Fish Cleaned
  • Fish Packaged
  • USCG Certified
  • Licensed/Insured
  • Largemouth
  • Smallmouth

Weakley's Guide Service Location

Location marker may be approximate.