Lake Conditions:  Fair - 78° / Lake Temperature  58° - 355.40'

Homeschool Day

Where:  Cadiz - Woodland Nature Station - 3146 Silver Trail Rd.

When:  April 25, 2025 - 10am-3pm

Contact:  270-924-2299

Hey, homeschoolers! Discover the wonders of how our world works as you explore ecology, climate, and the impacts we have on the environment. Hands-on STEAM activities led by naturalists and wildlife experts will be fun and enhance your students' knowledge and understanding of the natural world.

This year we're focusing on Careers in Science! What are some of the different Science Careers? What does it take to get into these fields? Who are some of the well-known Scientists in these various fields? Come join us as we take an in-depth look at the wonderful array of Careers in Science! All ages are welcome. Full schedule will be available by April 1,2025.

All activities are included with regular Nature Station admission. No pre-registration is required. We recommend two hours to enjoy all the activities and programming. For more information or questions, please contact 270-924-2299.

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