Lake Conditions:  Fair - 77° / Lake Temperature  58° - 355.22'

The World's Biggest Fish Fry in Paris, Tenn.

It's the 71st annual World's Biggest Fish Fry in Paris! Carnival rides begin Tuesday and run though Sunday. The all-you-can-eat Fish Tent will be open Wednesday through Saturday. Below is a detailed list of events.

2024 Schedule - April 20-28

Saturday, April 20

  • Hushpuppy Dash 5K - Registration at 7am, Race at 8
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Car & Bike Show/Cruise-in - 8am - 4pm
    Location: Performing Arts Center on Volunteer Drive
  • Demolition Derby - 7pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds

Monday, April 22

  • Street Dance - 7pm - 9pm
    Location: Downtown Paris

Tuesday, April 23

  • Carnival - 5pm - 11pm
    Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Country Dance - 7pm - 10pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds

Wednesday, April 24

  • Carnival - 5pm - 9pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Fish Tent - All You Can Eat - 5pm - 9pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds

Thursday, April 25

  • Carnival - 5pm - 11pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Fish Tent - All You Can Eat - 11am - 9pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Arts & Crafts Show- 5pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Henry County Fairgrounds (Enoch Bldg.)

Friday, April 26

  • Carnival - 11am - Midnight
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Fish Tent - All You Can Eat - 11am - 9pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Arts & Crafts Show- 10am - 8:30pm
    Location: Henry County Fairgrounds (Enoch Bldg.)
  • Grand Parade - 10am
    Location: East Wood Street
  • Bulls & Barrels Showdown- 7:30pm
    Location: Henry County Fairgrounds

Saturday, April 27

  • Carnival - 11am - Midnight
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Fish Tent - All You Can Eat - 11am - 9pm
    Location: Henry Co. Fairgrounds
  • Arts & Crafts - 10am - 8:30pm
    Location: Henry County Fairgrounds (Enoch Bldg.)
  • Bulls & Barrels Showdown- 7:30pm
    Location: Henry County Fairgrounds
  • Small Fry Parade - 10am
    Location: Downtown Paris
  • Catfish Races - 11am
    Location: Downtown
  • Junior Fishing Rodeo - 11am - 1pm
  • Location: Williams Lake

Sunday, April 28

  • Carnival - 1pm - 6pm

For more information, visit this link.

Overview & History

The "Fish Fry" evolved from "Mule Day," which originated in 1938 with the Paris Post Intelligencer as the first sponsor.  Farmers came to town on the first Monday in April to trade their mules and other farm products, do their shopping and enjoy the fellowship of their friends.  Early in the 1950's, the Chamber of Commerce took over "Mule Day" and the tractors took the place of mules.  The Chamber of Commerce started looking for another event to replace "Mule Day."

In 1953, the Chamber of Commerce held the first "Fish Fry."  The event was not as successful as hoped.  The fish were not taken from Kentucky Lake and just did not please the fish eating public.  The parade was short but sweet, and the event was held on Barton Field for one day and night.

In 1961, the Paris-Henry County Jaycees took over the "Fish Fry" from the Chamber of Commerce.  The "Fish Fry" was starting to grow too much for the Chamber to handle, so the Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) took over the event, taking the name of "World's Biggest Fish Fry," an event that truly lives up to its name.

Since 1961, the "World's Biggest Fish Fry" has grown considerable - from 1,600 pounds to over 5 tons of catfish being cooked and served at the Robert E. "Bobby" Cox Memorial Fish Tent.

Community participation and support of the "World's Biggest Fish Fry" unites the community in many ways.  Community involvement by attending one of the five beauty pageants, buying souvenirs, eating fish dinners, attending the rodeo, entering or watching the Grand Parade or the Small Fry Parade, and going to the carnival makes the event successful.

The history of the "Fish Fry" started with the farmers and their mules.  Each past "Fish Fry" makes new history by trying new and different things, increased attendance, more catfish served, and more community involvement.

The Paris-Henry County Jaycees hope to make the "World's Biggest Fish Fry" bigger and better each year.